Germaine, who was deported with the convoy Nr 59 on 2 September 1943. It shows that the convoys didn’t took only Jews. The convoy Nr 59 was the subject of a letter sent by the representative of Heinz Röthke, who was the chief of the Jewish Affaires at the Gestapo, and was sent to three persons to inform them of the departure of that transport : Adolf Eichmann in Berlin, the inspector of the concentratin camp in Oranienburg, and Rudolf Höss, commander of the Auschwitz camp. This letter (page 388) announces that the convoy left the railway-station of Paris-Bobigny towards Auschwitz, on the eve at 10 p.m. with 1 000 Jews, « in accordance with the usual conditions of evacuation. ».

That man adds :

« That convoy will be accompanied from Paris to the Reich border (Neuerburg) by Brunner, the lieutenant S.S. Wannenmacher, and five non-commissioned officers from the BdS [security police] of Paris. When arrived on the border, the convoy will be taken in charge by a commando of police. The convoy is taking the following foods :

Flour 3 500   kg
Potatoes 6 500   kg
Chocolate 15   kg
Coffee 80   kg
Sugar  275    kg
Pasta  275    kg
Fats  250    kg
Salt   350    kg
Beans  275    kg
Tinned vegetables 500    kg

     « I ask you to not use these very valuable foods for the prisoners of the concentration camp. »